• Date of birth


  • Hometown


  • Nationality

    🇦🇺 Australian

  • Day job

    Chiropractic Student

  • Greatest challenge

    Running 900+ KMs

  • Athletic specialisations


Running 900km From Adelaide to Rosedale

The Beginning of a Remarkable Challenge

Brock, a 22-year-old from a small country town in Victoria, embarked on an extraordinary journey that not only tested his physical limits but also touched many lives. He started running just a year ago, completing the Melbourne Half Marathon in September 2022. His passion for running quickly escalated, and before long, he found himself planning an ambitious ultra journey.




The Drive Behind the Run

Brock grew up playing football and cricket, but after stepping away from sports, he felt a need to redirect his energy. Inspired by Crawford Hawthorn's run from Adelaide to Melbourne and his friend Xavier's diagnosis with osteosarcoma, Brock decided to embark on a run for a cause. He aimed to raise funds for the Sony Foundation’s "You Can Stay" program, which offers free accommodation to young cancer patients and their families.

The Journey from Adelaide to Rosedale

The challenge was straightforward yet daunting: run from Adelaide to Rosedale in the shortest time possible. The daily goal was to cover around 60 kilometers, pushing the limits of human endurance.

Overcoming Physical and Mental Obstacles

During the run, Brock faced extreme weather conditions, including blistering heat. He endured severe physical discomfort, from blisters to a troubling Achilles injury. Yet, he pushed through the pain, amazed at the body's capacity for rapid healing under stress.

The Aftermath and Looking Ahead

Post-run, Brock experienced exhaustion and some lasting effects, like soreness in his feet. However, he emerged with a deep sense of pride and achievement. Already planning his next challenge, Brock eyes New Zealand as his next running destination, possibly in 2025 or 2026.

Brock's journey is a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the power of running for a cause. His story inspires us all, proving that with determination and a heart for helping others, extraordinary feats are within our reach.

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